Plant Care Guidelines

See the variety chart in
Cold Hardiness of Citrus.

Any good, well-drained soil. pH 5.5 to 8.0.

Fertilize with a fertilizer made for acid-loving plants according to label directions.

How much: Apply enough water to wet the soil 3 to 4 feet deep. To determine the proper amount of water for your soil type, see How Much Water to Apply. To avoid wetting the trunk and crown of the plant, water into a basin that keeps the water at least 12 inches out from the trunk.

How often: Water when the soil 6 to 12 inches below the surface is just barely moist.

Prune only to shape the tree, and to remove suckers and dead twigs and branches. Lightly thin the inside of the tree if the growth is dense.

When the fruits are fuly colored, taste one to determine if it is ripe. If the flavor is not yet sweet enough for the variety, allow the fruits to ripen for another few weeks, then try again. To harvest, clip the fruits off with pruning shears rather than pulling them off.

Related Links
Citrus Thrips
Cold Damage
Iron Deficiency
Lack of Nitrogen
Mealybugs and Cottonycushion Scale

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